White Slime or “Killer Mucus” - Explained -
Almost every hobbyist has experienced the dreaded White Slime or as some call it "Killer Mucus". There is a rhyme and reason to why it...

Apocyclops Panamensis : What are they and why do we need them?
As many already know, copepods are a crucial food source in any reef system. They are becoming more and more understood and as a result,...

Why do we need pods in our reef tanks : benefits of copepods in a marine aquarium
Why do we need Copepods in a reef tank setup? Copepods are a critical component of any reef and marine tank setup. Just about every...

Real world test of dosing phytoplankton and copepods (1 - 12 month updates!!!)...
We are asked a few times a month the benefits of dosing phytoplankton and copepods to a reef tank. We respond with the same basic info as...